The Multinational Enterprise and the Emergence of the Global by Peter J. Buckley

By Peter J. Buckley

The Multinational firm and the Emergence of the worldwide manufacturing unit brings jointly examine papers authored by means of Peter J. Buckley, concentrating on 3 of crucial empirical and theoretical concerns within the worldwide financial system: the increase of the 'global factory'; the expansion of FDI from rising economies; fresh advancements within the thought of IB.

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An important competitive advantage of the well-established International Integration and Coordination in the Global Factory 15 firms lies in the brand, which assures the customers of component quality and after-sales service. But the relative ease of entry shows that brands alone are not enough. Effective management of the distribution channel is the really crucial factor. Distribution of PCs is an information—intensive activity. Tele-sales departments handle large volumes of credit card sales, which are converted promptly into requisitions of particular specifications of product.

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