The Engaging Manager: The Joy of Management and Being by A. Furnham

By A. Furnham

In this new selection of articles on handling and being controlled, Adrian Furnham, writer of undesirable Apples , bargains an enticing and witty look at the area of being an interesting supervisor. in response to robust study this ebook bargains a considerable creation to the enjoyment of management.

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Captains of industry, consultants and charlatans have all speculated on factors that might be important. They have generated various lists of both select-in and select-out factors. Thus Lord Blyth, the former chairman of the pharmacy chain, Boots, noted characteristics such as raw intellect, forthright honesty, determination and physical durability. He also memorably noted: “Is he a shit? If yes, reject him: mere prejudice, but in the end, why work with too many people you don’t like? ” The lists of ideal characteristics that researchers and speculators have come up with are remarkably similar.

A person can endure, even thrive, in a high-profile, high-stress job if the price is right. It’s a cost–benefit analysis. But at what point do the pay and perks cease to have much effect? 49 50 The Engaging Manager Why do successful City types decide one day to go and run a smallholding in the West Country? What stops them running on the treadmill? Who can really say: perhaps a psychiatrist or more likely the person’s partner. It’s been the convention to interview spouses and managers (and sometimes whole families) when posting people abroad.

Oh yes: firm, largish breasts, good teeth, and glossy, flick-worthy hair. John Wayne was the ideal cowboy hard-man; Hugh Grant the foppish Englishman; and Rowan Atkinson the strange vicar. Alec Guinness was a master – infinitely flexible once his make-up was applied. The male hero – and this is relevant for our movie – must have both strong masculine and feminine sides. A good jaw, expressive eyes and a firm butt are crucial. A hint of pecs, and a six-pack helps. The odd grey hair is acceptable. They need to show clear masculinity and the results of a good (regular) dose of testosterone.

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