Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science: 3rd Symposium by Jiří Bečvář (auth.), A. Blikle (eds.)

By Jiří Bečvář (auth.), A. Blikle (eds.)

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What is the reason the proportion of crime is so much greater than in London? For a good while past, I have walked but little after 10 o’clock at night. I am afraid to . . [T]he penny papers, every now and then, frighten me out of my wits” (SL 147). Even while Child resisted the paranoid view of the city circulated in the penny papers, she nevertheless repeatedly returned to New York’s crime problems as a way of discussing the emerging class structure of this industrial city. Early in the Letters from New York series, she says, “The disagreeables of New-York, I deliberately mean to keep out of sight, when I write to you.

For Child, the Southern white woman had little recourse in the face of her husband’s infidelities. ” In Child’s political imagination, Southern women of all races were especially disempowered because of their extreme isolation. She describes one such Southern white woman as having been “nurtured in seclusion, almost as deep as that of the oriental harem” (“Slavery’s Pleasant Homes” 238). Child believed there was a fundamental difference between the position of the family in Northern and Southern society.

Com - licensed to Taiwan eBook Consortium - PalgraveConnect - 2011-03-03 moment, one tone like a mother’s voice might have wholly changed his earthly destiny. ” (84). 1). Her confidence in her ability to read the past and future of a person based on a momentary meeting is a part of her growing understanding of poverty as a systemic, rather than personal, failure. The ragged newspaper boy, the matchbox girl, the drunken woman picked up by the constables all were determined by their social position.

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Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science: 3rd Symposium by Jiří Bečvář (auth.), A. Blikle (eds.)
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