Ship It Holla Ballas!: How a Bunch of 19-Year-Old College by Jonathan Grotenstein, Storms Reback

By Jonathan Grotenstein, Storms Reback

Who have been the send It Holla Ballas?

Arguably the main profitable poker team of all time, they took benefit of the net poker increase to win hundreds of thousands of greenbacks sooner than so much of them have been sufficiently old to set foot inside of a on line casino. Then they did what any red-blooded young children with mountains of money and no obligations might do: They partied like rock stars, reworking themselves from web nerds with 0 lifestyles abilities into legends, no less than of their personal minds.

In Ship It Holla Ballas!, Jonathan Grotenstein and Storms Reback hint the increase and fall of net poker in the course of the eyes of its very unlikely stars: a gaggle of sweet sixteen university dropouts, united via social media, who bluffed their method to the pinnacle of the game.

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Ship It Holla Ballas!: How a Bunch of 19-Year-Old College by Jonathan Grotenstein, Storms Reback
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