Present discontents: American politics in the very late by Byron E. Shafer

By Byron E. Shafer

For introductory American politics classes, this can be a varied number of energetic and provocative tests of the evolution of yankee politics around the postwar interval, concentrating on those parts: events, society, associations, tradition, matters, agendas, and coalitions.

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Instead, structural changes within the parties themselves generated a polarized and cross-cutting set of policy options for the general public. 4 The Republican Party had actually moved earlier to a modern party structure, whereby the formal machinery was run by shifting networks of independent issue activists, motivated by intense but particular substantive concerns. Yet the Democratic Party too had come a long way down that road by the time of the 1968 elections. Initial attempts to see that the Democratic disasters of 1968 were not repeated then effectively dispossessed the residual incumbents of a formal hierarchy of party  48 49 < previous page < previous page page_152 page_153 next page > next page > Page 153 offices, incumbents who were also the final link to the preferences and principles of the late New Deal era.

A successful standard-bearer such as Dwight Eisenhower could temporarily finesse this; a disastrous standard-bearer like Barry Gold-water would exaggerate it. The greatest exception to all of this, an exception that would prove pivotal at any number of points across the postwar years, was the American South. The New Deal did add social welfare issues to southern politics; indeed, the main social insurance programs of the New Deal were overwhelmingly popular there. But this remained an overlay. The New Deal did not bring class-based coalitions to this region, and it remained monolithically Democratic, as it had been since the American Civil War.

The revival of individual responsibility built around a shift from Democratic interventionist economics to Republican market-based economicsa shift of infinitesimal magnitude by European standards but profoundly influential on the outlook of American votershas in turn created the ideal conditions for the bridging of cultural and economic conservatism. In this, the ascendancy of the Republican Party has been driven in large part by the emergence of an assertive religiosity in politics, carrying with it a moral, social, and cultural conservatism unprecedented in American public life in this century.

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Present discontents: American politics in the very late by Byron E. Shafer
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