Girl Friendly Schooling by Maureen Cruickshank, Rosemary Deem, Lesley Kant, Judith

By Maureen Cruickshank, Rosemary Deem, Lesley Kant, Judith Whyte

Asks what makes education unfriendly to women and examines the good fortune or differently of interventions meant to result in swap.

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The teachers all taught in mixed comprehensive schools located throughout the southern half of England. The schools were initially contacted by sending a letter to either the head teacher or head of science. Questionnaires were subsequently sent to those schools that expressed interest in the investigation and willingness to volunteer staff as subjects. Details of those teachers who returned questionnaires in each investigation are outlined below. INVESTIGATION 1. Sixty-seven teachers (30 men and 37 women) from three schools.

Moreover, they show marked disparity of attitudes depending upon the subject they teach, suggesting that pupils will receive conflicting impressions on this issue. While it is perhaps unsurprising that teachers of traditionally stereotyped subjects such as the physical sciences and crafts show least sympathy to equal opportunity, the lack of sympathy of teachers of ‘core’ subjects such as maths and PE is a matter of concern since practically every pupil follows these subjects until leaving age.

These values further emphasize that the teachers judged technical education to be of greater importance to boys than to girls. The question asked in the first investigation referred to a rather abstract concept, the general education of pupils. It gave teachers the opportunity to express a theoretical view about the comparative importance of technical education for boys and for girls. 2 The importance of qualifications in technical subjects for pupils’ future lives as judged by secondary teachers of all subjects (Percentage responses shown, N=35) actual views on the topic.

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Girl Friendly Schooling by Maureen Cruickshank, Rosemary Deem, Lesley Kant, Judith
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