A History of English: Volume I: From Proto-Indo-European to by Donald Ringe

By Donald Ringe

This booklet is the 1st given that 1897 to explain the earliest reconstructable phases of the prehistory of English. It outlines the grammar of Proto-Indo-European, considers the alterations in which one dialect of that prehistoric language constructed into Proto-Germanic, and offers a close account of the grammar of Proto-Germanic. the 1st quantity in Don Ringe's A Linguistic heritage of English may be of significant curiosity to all students and scholars of comparative Indo-European and Germanic linguistics, the background of English, and historic linguists. the following quantity will ponder the improvement of Proto-Germanic into previous English. next volumes will describe the attested background of English from the previous English interval to the current.

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And gen. , except for o-stem participles, which are given in the masc. nom. sg. only. InWnitives are omitted, as are displaced imperatives. A consequence of our uncertainty regarding the reconstruction of the thematic optative (see the preceding section) is that even West IE verb paradigms cannot be given in full. Since Germanic clearly belonged to the central group, I have given the paradigms ancestral to that group, with thematic optatives in *-oy(h1)- and mediopassive primary endings in *-y, the latter replacing PIE *-r (see above).

But even among the athematic stems, which should have preserved the system best, the Latin the instrumental case has undergone syntactic merger with the ablative, and the dative and ablative cases exhibit syncretism in the plural—as they did already in PIE, the earliest reconstructable ancestor of Latin. Proto-Indo-European 43 reconstructable situation was no longer so straightforward. Of the singular oblique endings, only the genitive (/ablative) clearly showed extensive ablaut alternations; it looks as though the instrumental appeared in the zero grade only after (surface) vowels (including surface high vowels which were underlyingly sonorants), while for the dative ending only the full-grade form is reconstructable.

3pl. primary *-m-i / *-h2 *-s-i *-t-i *-wo´s *-te´s *-te´s *-mo´s *-te´ *-e´nt-i $ *-nt-i secondary *-m *-s *-t (*[-t $ -d]) *-we´ *-to´m *-ta¯´m *-me´ *-te´ *-e´nt (*[-e´nd]) $ *-nt (*[-nd]) imperative displaced iptv. ) mediopassive 1sg. 2sg. 3sg. 1du. 2du. 3du. 1pl. 2pl. 3pl. primary *-h2e´-r *-th2e´-r *-o´-r / *-t-o´-r *-wo´s-dhh2 ??? *-mo´s-dhh2 *-dhh2ue´ *-ro´-r / *-nto´-r secondary *-h2e´ *-th2e´ *-o´ / *-t-o´ *-we´-dhh2 ??? *-me´-dhh2 *-dhh2ue´ *-ro´ / *-nto´ imperative — ??? — ??? — h *-d h2ue´ ???

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A History of English: Volume I: From Proto-Indo-European to by Donald Ringe
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