Hydrodynamics (4th edition) by Horace Lamb

By Horace Lamb

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As before, the top line shows what TEX has just read ( ‘\bf A SHORT \ERROR’ ), then comes what it is about to read ( ‘STORY’ ). The next pair of lines shows the context of the first two; it indicates what TEX was doing just before it began to read the others. ” The definition in Appendix B says that \centerline, when applied to some text, is supposed to be carried out by sticking that text in place of the ‘#1’ in ‘\line{\hss#1\hss}’. So TEX is in the midst of this expansion of \centerline, as well as being in the midst of the text that is to be centered.

All 256 characters are initially of category 12, except that return has category 5, space has category 10, null has category 9, delete has category 15, the 52 letters A . . Z and a . . z have category 11, % and \ have the respective categories 14 and 0. It follows that INITEX is initially incapable of carrying out some of TEX’s primitives that depend on grouping; you can’t use \def or \hbox until there are characters of categories 1 and 2. , \catcode‘\{=1 assigns category 1 to the { symbol. The \catcode operation is like many other primitives of TEX that we shall study later; by modifying internal quantities like the category codes, you can adapt TEX to a wide variety of applications.

Tex : If you followed the instructions carefully, you will notice a typographical error. What is it, and why did it sneak in? With Experiment 2 under your belt, you know how to make a document from a file. tex file should be changed to he preferred to be called---% error has been fixed! The ‘%’ sign here is a feature of plain TEX that we haven’t discussed before: It effectively terminates a line of your input file, without introducing the blank space that TEX ordinarily inserts when moving to the next line of input.

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