Directions in Human Factors for Interactive Systems by Henry Ledgard

By Henry Ledgard

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Abbreviated, out correctly. Objects 2. ) Words shown in lower case and connected with hyphens ("-") are names for the objects of a request that you supply to make the request specific, such as the name of a file, a mode of interaction, or a piece of text. Alternatives 3. Keywords or objects that are grouped together and separated by slashes ("/") are mutually exclusive alternatives. For example : n/ALL means that either "n" (a number) or the keyword'"ALL" may be specified but not both. The Annotated Assistant 37 15.

If the user makes an error and, as a result, the Assistant discovers that a request is ill-formed, the Assistant will report the error. The user may then change the e r r o n e o u s line with a conventional edit request, and the Assistant will automatically re-issue the corrected request. While we have never s e e n this simple feature elsewhere, we believe that it is especially useful for lengthy editing requests and multiple request lines where typing errors are particularly frustrating. In a similar vein, the UNDO request erases the effect of a request that was performed but did not produce the result desired by the user.

This does not mean that its In fact, you may very well find its perceptiveness surprising at times. 14 The Annotated Assistant 35 12. The Assistant uses a simple two-level file system. A good deal of effort went into designing this system so that its operation is largely automatic and transparent to the user. When the user directly refers to a new file, a current temporary copy of it is created. All operations are performed on the current version. At the end of an interactive session, the Assistant asks the user what to do with files that do not have equivalent permanent copies.

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Directions in Human Factors for Interactive Systems by Henry Ledgard
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