Angel & Faith Season 10 10 by Victor Gischler

By Victor Gischler

Angel & religion is a ongoing comedian booklet sequence from darkish Horse Comics, which keeps on from Angel & religion in addition to Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9. The sequence is released below the Season Ten banner.

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There can be scarcely any doubt that the impulse for this movement came from intense feeling aroused by the persecution of Jews under the Nazi regime. Some of those interested in the subject have looked back in history for the origin of the ideas that fructified so hideously in the minds of Hitler and his associates. The belief has grown up that the origin may be found in a book by the Comte de Gobineau. Other authors, writing since Gobineau’s time, have been mentioned in the same connection. Unfortunately Hitler himself gave little help to anyone anxious to trace the origin of his thoughts on the ethnic problem.

Huxleyl53Sl). Buffon remarks of the real orang­ utan that the ‘Indiens’ (as he calls the inhabitants of the East Indies) ‘are to be excused for having associated it with the human species by the name of orang­ outangs or savage man, because it resembles man in its body more closely than it resembles other monkeys or any other animal’. Nevertheless he denied that the orang-utan was human. Camper made a careful dissection of a young orang-utan at Groningen in 1770. In his memoir on the subjectH84.

In his attempt to answer this question, Rousseau was not primarily concerned with the ethnic problem; but, as the extract given above shows, he allowed that the various ethnic taxa differed mentally as well as physically. He stressed the importance of the environment in causing the diver­ sity of human beings in different parts o f the world, especially when the en­ vironment acted over a long series of generations. His main concern, however, was with the degree of happiness of persons in solitary and social life.

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